Potentials of a 5.2 Magnum Motor

thank you all, for your comments.

so i guess i will try to catch that motor

i will definitly change timing cover, water pump and belts because, i will try to keep the LA-look (as far as i can) and use as much parts from my LA engine as possible (Timing cover, water pump, carb, headers, distributor)

- what about the balancer, guess i also have to change this to LA-style, due to mounting holes for the crank pulley ?

conc. regrinding of cam... eeh...looking bad over here ....

@PoisonDart, i would do that. But you will have only a very very small little chance to get a 5.9 magnum engine here in Germany. And if one approach on the market you have to pay about 1800 - 2000 Euro (2300 - 2600 USD) for an engine with over 200K miles on it. this 5.2 i cld get for 500-600 Euros (~700 USD) which is okay i guess

so now it´s time to talk my wife into that plan

The crank pulleys are the same bolt pattern for the Magnum and LA.