lifters solid or

nope, he'll need the red. Look at his zip code.

stamped rockers on a shaft or pedestals with no adjustment take hydros. if you got nuts on your rockers, you CAN use solids, but its the cam that dictates them. 95% of 318's use hydros. if your late 318 has a weird skeleton looking thing between the lifters, you need rollers.

Just my point. How the hell do we know what he's got? No year, no nuthin. What are we workin on? Is it stock? Modified? What's it in? A dog house? I am so frikkin sick and tired of having to drag info outta people for their BS that they shouldda included in the first place.

Lemmie show you.

"Hey guys. I have a 73 Duster with a 318 and an automatic. I don't know much about it, it sounds pretty stock. I am trying to find out which lifters it has and which ones to replace them with. Can yall help?"

See? Including AS MUCH info as possible helps us help you. Without necessary info, you won't get the best answers. So please, help us help you here, ok?