Maybe a "Heads up" for PST?

Wow sorry guys that I missed this post. I normally would have responded sooner. But I have been up to my elbows in a new catalog for our fall/winter issue and still doing tech and c.s. when help is needed.

Concerning paypal: This has come up in discussion before and I have addressed it with the owners. I completely understand your reasoning as well as the owners. In the owners defense Paypal can at times be difficult to work with on a sellers ends as we have gotten burned a few times by paypal through ebay as a dispute over a part can be brought up months later and Paypal will freeze that set amount until it is resolved. Instead of the customer coming to us to correct the issue and explain their problem they are quick to open a dispute in paypal. I handle the majority of the Paypal disputes for PST Ebay and it can take weeks to settle because once the customer is happy they normally stop responding in the dispute and do not close it like they are supposed. So I then have to do additional leg work to have the funds unfrozen. I also had an experience where Paypal gave a refund to customer and we had never gotten the product back. So when I called and spoke to a Rep at Paypal his exact words were we settle in the best interest of the buyer as they are our customers. But I will agree from a buyers stand point paypal is great way to buy products.

As for the confusion on our website on the products mentioned in thw above posts. I will do my best in the next day or so to work with my web guy to correct them. But if you see other things that you feel should be critiqued while on our site please PM me as I want to make the use of our website easier on the customer.
