Maybe a "Heads up" for PST?

So when I click quantity I click "1" and get a set if bars?

Yes, and one would think this would be totally normal right?
But then when I was running across bushings or dust boots sold individually I had to question that.
It also crossed my mind that a customer might have broken one somehow and needed just one.
Overall I was pretty confident about clicking "1" would be a set, but it sure would have simplified things if it said that (it's only words on a webpage that can easily be chaged to solve any possible confusion)

Good info for them, hopefully they'll post up here.

The 1.03" bars are on my list, but I'm waiting to hear back from them about the actual wheel rate. They don't have it published, and that's a make-or-break piece of info for me. Not worried about the clocking as none of my cars will sit at stock ride height, but it sounds like they corrected that issue with the latest batch anyway.

These are my main points.
That info can be added to the site, so people don't have to call in and PST reps don't have to spend thier time telling people the things that could be explained on the product description page.

They did resolve the clocking issue, but it does'nt mention it at all, and in fact still says they are "for lowering the car, and may not return the car to stock ride height"
I didn't want a lower car, but only stiffer suspention so I waited till they made new ones with the 20 degree clock like the factory bars.
In my oppinion they need to clarify that issue has been resolved, and the bars are clocked 20 degrees like all thier other bars are, because it came up again and James had to clarify it for us (Again)

call talk to a real person, get your FABO discount ;-) My experience wit PST plesant . good service and the bars worked well especially for the price.

i dont see the difference between paypal and CC. you DONT have your bank account tied to your paypal do you? more protection with CC anyways and thieves cant take the money that you eat with.

I try for the most part to keep the car stuff separated from the business (even though I write the Dart off as a business expense. (which it is because I drive it everywhere to appointments)
It wasn't big deal at all to me to use the card, but since my money for the car is all in Paypal I did have to transfer it and wait for it to hit the bank before I could order my parts.
See, the thing is I told the wife I wouldn't use ANY of the business funds for the car but only for the bussiness, household and bills, so that Paypal account is strickly for my car.
The house doesn't get any of my car money, and the car doesn't use house/business money.
So I keep them as separate as possible, and I don't want to pay extra for a Paypal CC.
The mode of payment to PST isn't my main concerne here.
I was trying to help PST make the site less confusing about the parts and thier information instead of having to call them about every order to clarify instead of using the resources of a website that they already have in place.

Wow sorry guys that I missed this post. I normally would have responded sooner. But I have been up to my elbows in a new catalog for our fall/winter issue and still doing tech and c.s. when help is needed.

As for the confusion on our website on the products mentioned in thw above posts. I will do my best in the next day or so to work with my web guy to correct them. But if you see other things that you feel should be critiqued while on our site please PM me as I want to make the use of our website easier on the customer.


No worries at all James and I would obviously recommend PST to anyone in need.
It's really not any of my business how PST runs thier website anyway, but wouldn't it be nicer for the PST staff to not have to get on the phone with every prospective customer over some little detail that could be covered on the site, since it is already being payed for and used anyway?
I would think. :-)
You guy's (especially you on *ABO) do a great job of settling misunderstandings and giving your customers good information, but the website could do that in most cases.
That's what it is there for.

Let me say this again, I am not complaining about my experience with PST at all, only attempting to make your job easier and for the customer to be able to buy as soon and as smooth as possible.
PST's job get's easier, and they sell more products due to clearer website information.
It's a win/win

Thanks for the new T bars, I can hardly wait to get them on the car.

Why cant you just use your pay pal debit card it does have the master card logo.

I could but I'm not paying Paypal extra for it.
That's not the main point of my post as you probably got from the above responses.