New Hemi Swap with Borgeson Steering Box?

Pics from test fit without gasket:

#1 cylinder top bolt hole still doesn't line up:

Hard to see, but the header tube makes it around the box:

I trimmed this spot on the block, as well as a portion of the engine mount. Clearance was gained without a gasket. Not sure it was needed once the gasket went in, but I did it anyway. Note the header tube is sitting on the engine mount in this pic. Clearance was gained when a gasket went in.

If you haven't picked up on the underlying principle here:
There isn't much room for a header tube through here! After having made a set of headers, used the first jig headers, and now these, I think TTI put it in the #1 tube in the best possible place (mirrors the #1 tube on the set of shorties I made the first go-round).