Car lift

Long day, long drive. Left the house about 4.30 this morning, got their at about 20 till 9, he was just pulling up as I was pulling in. I was surprised at how good the lift looked from outside the fence. Once inside I was still pleasantly surprised.

We put his wifes Caravan on it and away it went, made some groaning noises going up at some specific points, I could tell that it just needed to be lubed. Up and then coming down is when the problems started.

For one thing the locks do not work, a second of investigating I see that the bicycle looking cable had broken, been broken a long time by the looks of it. No problem, unless I am mistaken I can fix that easy enough.

Lift went down but would not go all the way down, not sure why. Dicking around with it we got it down. At this point I offered him 650 for the lift which he took.

Moved the wifes van and went inside for a few, came back out only to find fluid just oozing out of the line that runs up and over, supplies both cylinders. Seeing this I got pretty disgusted, climbing up there and looking at the line only led to more disgust.

Most of the rubber was just gone, only steel braided line showing.

Seller was more disgusted than me I think, he swears never an issue with the lift, I told him ( just guessing ) that the line would be every bit of a hundred bucks.

Lift price went down to 550.

Started dismantling lift, raised up a bit. pulled arm and tried to lower the lift, nocando.

Arms would not lower at this point, put arms back on and stood on arms ( the three of us ) trying to get them to go down. They would not budge.

I threw my hands up in the air and told him I was just going to have to walk away.

Make a long story less long he said he was just going to abandon the lift, he was selling business and he was done with it. I asked if he was serious about scrapping it and he was.

I offered him 200, he wanted at least three, I told him to split the difference at 2 1/2, he split it at 275.

So for 275 dollars I got from what I can see a very nice ( cosmetically ) lift that has a few maintenance issues.

The arms ( where the big fat pins drop ) are super tight, I dont think the lift has alot of wear, I just think its been owned by people that did not know how to properly care for their equipment.

Good day in all