Problem with ply30 member

You don't know that and neither do I. He might have just blown it on beer or something "worse." Hard to say

But I WILL tell you this. "Everybody else" kicking in and covering for him is known as "enableing." This gives the guilty the idea, that "I dodged that one, everybody else will pick up after me."

I don't see this thread as a mess at all. I see it as a necessary part of "doing business" on this board. If there are no teeth in doing business here, then this board will just become another website on the www to scam people.

IF this guy has some home emergency, medical, financial, out of control, that might be a deal. I'm at the age where ANYTHING can happen as a matter of course.

For me, a bounced check after a PROMISE to pay is a real bad indicator. THIS says a bunch, to me.

It's completely different than claiming an emergency, or "don't have the money."

You Sir,
Are absolutely correct and threads like this serve an invaluable service alerting member's about an unscrupulous seller. As I believe this is a privately owned site and membership comes with no implied guarantee's, I'm not quite sure why seller's like this are allowed to operate with immunity unless the decision to revoke privilege is driven by fear of Liability and Litigation. As stated in an earlier post of which I wholely agree, Yes it would be ENABLING for me to pay for the shortcomings of others when they are still operating on this site with immunity. That said, since joining this forum I actually found it quite impressive that some members made up for the failings of others. Is it their obligation or responsibility? Unequivocally No, but they did it out of the kindness of their heart and being RICH is ultimately not determined by the size of your account or the number of possession's. There is no shortage of transgressions in my past and since I have at least one foot out of the darkness I'm just offering to step up to the plate and pitch in as I have seen many others do here. Yup RUSTY I'll go halves with ya.