1966 Dodge D/Dart ~ 'Mystery, Myth and Misconception'

The 'D/Stock' Monster
1961 Corvette
283/270 HP {Code 'CU'}

* Shipping Weight ...... #2905 lbs.
* Curb Weight ............ #3035 lbs.

* NHRA Factor...... 2905 ~ 270 HP = 10.76 Wt/Hp

1961 Corvette
* Total Production Numbers ........................... 10,939 .................... Base Cost ... $3934.00
* Option with 283/270 HP Engine {RPO 468} ..... 2827 {26.8%} ...... Option Cost ... $182.95

Standard Equipment
* 4-Speed Transmission 'Borg-Warner T-10' {Close-Ratio} ....... 2.20 ~ 1.64 ~ 1.31 ~ 1.00
* Rear-End Gears {3.70}
* Posi-Traction
* 26 lb. Flywheel
* 10" Clutch-Disc
* Pressure-Plate {Type; Diaphragm} #1620 lb. Spring Load-Rate

Engine Specifications

* 283 Cubic Inches
* 3.875" Bore x 3.00" Stroke

* Corvette Engine Code > 'CU'

* 270 Horsepower @ 6000 RPM's
* 285 Ft/Lbs. of Torque @ 4200 RPM's

* Compression Ratio .......... 9.50-1
* Piston Type .................... Flat Top

* Cylinder Head ................ #3774692
* Combustion Chamber....... 59.7 CC {Minimum}
* Intake Valve .................. 1.72"
* Exhaust Valve ................ 1.50"
* Intake Runner Port ......... 137 CC

* Camshaft {Mechanical} ... #3736097 {Duntov #097}
* Lift ............................... .394" / .400"
* Duration ........................ 287* / 287*
* Duration @ .050" Lift ...... 228* / 230*
* Overlap ......................... 66*
* LSA .............................. 110.5*
* Lash ............................. .012" / .018"
* Valve Springs ................. #80 lbs. @ 1.696" {Valve Closed} ~ #170 lbs. @ 1.306" {Valve Open}

* Intake Manifold .............. Aluminum Dual-Quad {#3739653}
* Design .......................... Dual-Plane
* Profile ........................... Low-to-Medium Rise

* Carburetors ................... '2' Carter WCFB's {Front; #2613S ~ Rear; #2614S}
* Throttle Bore ................. 1.313" x 1.313" {Venturi Size = .0937" x .1125"}
* Rating .......................... 385 CFM
* Total CFM Rating ........... 770

The Mystery Trick
