progression of my first complete rebuild

yes absolutely EVERYTHING was mic'd. my girl and I are building it under the watch of Chuck Vaughn. he's done many restorations and some pretty hot builds for drag cars, hes had a couple of his motors on Stacey David and Overhaulin, among others. he's now the teacher of the automotive course at one of the colleges here in town, where me and my lady met.
sadly, we didn't get it running Friday due to small things like not enough water pump bolts, mismatched pulley set (a/c and non-a/c pulleys), finding out that my scamps tranny is shot for a second time, as well as a good kick-in-the-rear when I got to work to find out my boss sold the shop.
anyways, sometime this week though it will be running and I'll be sure to post a video.
as far as what its going in, we don't have a clue yet. we'll probably put it in one of Chuck's cars.