Turn Signal Troubles

Well unfortunately, this is a very unusual problem and there are several places where this can be messed up, and no just 'do this' solution. It is pretty much impossible to figure out shorts circuits and crossed wires by remote control in the internet. It has to be done on the scene and all we can do it ask you to try this annd that and maybe a clue wil emerge.

As said, with the TS disconnected, there should be NO brake filaments lighting, left or right. The brake switch sends 12v via the white wire to the TS switch and then on the brake lights. That is the ONLY place it goes, so if the TS is disconnected, it should be impossible to light ANYTHING with the brakes. Nothing, nada, zip. So, the only conclusion is that you have a wire crossed or shorted somewhere, or a non-standard conenction fromt he brake switch's white wire to something.... The only way to find this is to get under there and start tracing them out to see if they go where they should. The wiring daigram is your friend in this.

Unfortunately, we can't possibly see the wires via the internet. So we are all stuck now 'til someone gets under the dash. If you post a pix of the TS switch connector and other points of interest like the brake switch and others spots, maybe someone can spot something odd.