new car prices.

Good credit won't touch a personal loan that size without collateral (ie, home equity, etc.)...

You can't have a credit score above 775 unless you have an active business that does a lot of bankrolling or a credit card that is on a regular turnover within a couple grand a month or more.

Most banks will not look at personal loans at or above ten thousand dollars without collateral, even with the best possible credit that you could have with your own debt to income ratio.

Interest rates are around 18% on a personal loan. APR is much lower on a car loan. Also, a car loan is one of the best things you can do to your credit, because the three creditors know that most people don't bail on things like their home mortgages, but sometimes wind up with vigilant or late payments on an auto loan, so if you can get approved and get payments made on time, it will spike your credit, quick.

If you want a 426 the easy way, save about 7k for a good builder and look in Hemings. I know a really inexpensive and amazing machinist that operates from home. Two of them, actually.

I hate all new cars, so I also learned a lot of other tricks to get your credit really high, quickly, but it won't help with a personal loan at $25k, unless you are super rich, at which point, it totally defeats the purpose.