Anybody here running local "points" with a slow bracket car?

One of our local tracks have rain-outs from time to time, so we have RV/Tow vehicle races with passengers. The track set an index of 25 seconds in the 1/4 for all contestants. Most people the first year it happened would launch and haul *** to the finish while watching a stop watch then have 1 mph fender races across the line, which we did and took second. We decided the second year to break the beams and sit at the starting line until the stopwatch reached a predetermined time (8ish seconds) then would take off so as to cross the finish at full speed so the opponents couldn't fender us. We won that year. That was a lot of fun, and it was amazing how tight some races were. There were a few races that came down into the thousandths.

That's so cool! Our tracks never did anything like that. What a great way to salvage a crappy day. :thumbrig: