400 block

Holy boat anchors Bat Man. one simple question . What can I save . I know the heads are junk, I know the rods come with the stroker kit. This is a street build but knowing me I like the smell of rubber. the 915's have been rebuilt and are shelved oiled and wrapped. The guy I've been talking with to do the work has over thirty years in engine building.
he's the kinda builder that doesn't want to hear a bunch of smack about what you want to do. He wants to see the engine tare it down look at condition mag it then ok what do want to do. So that being said , Cranks gone , cams gone , heads gone , Push rods ? Rods can be saved if they check out. I just don't want to junk something that can be used by me or someone else . Thermaquad anybody ?

This explanation would have been helpful from the beginning.

Save everything until the build is complete. Then throw away everything you are tired of storing. It's how we do it around here.