Amazing story (WWII)

These are two of the men that made up the GREATEST GENERATION!! As was said near the end,if the German high command had found out about this, he would have likely been shot. The Allies kept this story quite for a number of years. This also points up how tough the B-17 was. It could have an unbelievable amount of damage and still get the guys home.When you have the chance, go to air shows. Take a good look at the WWII planes. If you have a chance, talk to any WWII Vet. Think about how young they were when they were fighting. Remember they were in for the whole war. None of the go to war for a year or so and be done. We all love some pretty cool cars. Now think back 40 years more. Those planes, tanks, and ships were super high tech for the time.Remember: If you can read, thank a teacher. If you can read English, thank a solider.
Well said sir.