1969 Dart Street/Strip (Re)Build

"Ran into a ZL1 yesterday and I thought it was gonna be on. Neither one of us motioned and he turned not far after we got side by side. Too bad. It would have been fun"

thats how it is when you got an old muscle car that sounds like it got a set. the high dollar guys dont wanna race you because they dont wanna face the idea that there big dollar cars might get beat by something a blue collar guy built in his garage. i ran into an audi R8 a couple weeks back. perfect scenario. sitting at a red light two lane freeway onramp dead ahead. straight shot for nearly 1/2 mile. no merging lanes just two lane black top. i start reving the piss outta my car. he wont even look over at me. light turns and i pace him keep tapping the gas and surging forward. pussy wouldn't run me. but every punk in an integra wants a piece of me. i wont even waste the gas on those guys.

Sounds about right! I suppose that would be a kick in the groin to pay that much for a car only to get spanked by 40+ year old muscle. I'm sure I'm gonna run into a bunch of ricers that want to play, but like you said, don't even want to waste the gas. I might ask them if they mulch or bag with it though! Ha! Your Dart is still one of my favorites on here btw! It's a sweet car dude.