The Media has no integrity.

It is part of the "campaign" against alcohol. They successfully made cigarette smoking a social Faux pas, and they will try and make alcohol the same. Prohibition didn't work because it was the government trying to "force" it on people. But if they can make drinking unfashionable socially like they did tobacco use, it may just work. People don't want to be perceived as "weak" or "freaks" and want to be accepted. It is to the point that if you smoke you are not socially accepted. ( Being forced to stand out in the freezing January cold at the local bar to grab a smoke for instance) The people walking in wonder "what is wrong with those people they are nuts standing in this bitter cold" I admit alcohol isn't for everybody and that is part of the problem. Moderation is key. So my point is, the media is trying to impose an image of alcohol and people who use alcohol. More power to your friend for being 15 years sober, it looks like alcohol didn't get the best of him as it does a lot of other people. The trick is to wise up before it is too late and learn how to use it in moderation. I have nothing against tying one on every once in a while however. Just don't drink and drive! Peace out!

Now that's how you articulate a point.....eloquently stated !!!


Tell me something I don't already know and you can include the Three branches of the Government.
I'm 54 and as another member stated I quit watching it in the 80's. I remember as a child watching with my parents in the 60's while my brother was away in the Nam and a reporter would come on and state I'm Joe Blow and I'm here in ___________ fill in the blank, giving away troop positions and company strengths all in the name of the public's right to know. F___K the media, attorney's and big brother just let me be and quit screwing me under the auspice of making my life better. Oh and you can throw in the greedy medical industry.

Damn, I just had to open this thread after avoiding it several times and I knew better.