Required songs to listen to while working on your Mopar !!!

the problem with the stations around here is, there ARE no suprises. it the same 8 songs, over and over and over. I graduated H.S. in 1986, and I cannot stand to hear the same songs that have been beat to death for the last 30 something years. ozzy did record more than 3 songs. I listen to the hardest rock station we have at work, and it is still the same "back in black" and "crazy train" ran into the ground LOL

Agreed! I cannot stand it when I hear the same song 6-8 times a day, even if its a good one.
That's why I cannot listen to the "top hits" radio station, because of repetitiveness. They even put on a Justin Blubber err I mean Bieber song. I had to change that station quickly before I went deaf.

I plug in my 64GB SD card full of mp3's, set to random and I am good to go for several hours.