How bright should gauge lights be??

Of course it matters. If the battery is at 12.6 (and it MAY be lower) when at rest, it runs right near 14V when charging. That's a considerable change, about 12%

Also, what part no did you use for bulbs? There are several wattages, the original no's are in the service manuals

Yup, exactly.

Should've put LED bulbs in it. They'd be brighter, last longer, and majorly drops the heat in the dash. Just sayin.

I keep thinking I want to convert my dash over to LED's. Less power, less heat, brighter. That's all good right? But the reality is I don't even run my regular dash lights turned all the way up. And LED's can't be dimmed either, they're pretty much on or off. Which brings me back to my car isn't that short on amperage, the lights haven't melted anything in the last 40 years, and I really don't need brighter.