How bright should gauge lights be??

When I redid my dash a couple years ago I put LEDs in thinking it would be the bomb. They looked first. Within the two weeks they started one by one flickering on and off. Really annoying. After half of them were doing this I finally bagged them and went back to the incandescent lamps. Thankfully I have a daughter with tiny hands to change the inner ones for me. No problems and I can always see my instruments now. I usually run them at about 3/4 brightness.
I've heard this several times and posted it in other threads. Not only do the LEDs bottom out inside the blue tint diffusers but their bayonet base doesn't fit the bulb sockets very well either Keep in mind that not all applications are the same. Later model standard panels have a sheet of blue tint film attached rather than the half ball shape plastic diffuser. As for this members statements. Each indicator has it's on bulb focused to that lens.There are only 4 bulbs illumining the entire cavity so there is no comparison there. Having said all that, there are ways to get better or like new gauge illumination. Electrically starting at the dimmer rheostat and ending at the panels chassis ground. Physically addressing how the light is handled inside the cavity. The only bulb I will recommend or install is Sylvania #2825