1965 Dodge Dart Charger

Today I was able to close a great deal. I have found and bought the screws and the plastic plugs for the license plate front and rear. I was pretty sure that they mounted that on the assembly line before the delivery to the dealer took place. Today I located these two hot plastic bags! Can these bags mean that the assembly line workers did not mounted the plugs and screws? They just threw in these plastic bags with hub caps and other stuff in the trunk! The work was done by the dealer when they license the car. (Sorry but I do not know exactly how this procedure works over there)! Any comments or information?

Correct. License plate attaching parts were shipped in bags like that, possibly with the car, or more likely in some sort of bulk pack to the dealer (because they were easily stolen).

The parts that went into the bumper were installed by the dealer, and if the first owner could obtain plates to coincide with delivery of the vehicle, then the dealer would also mount the plates on the car. Otherwise if the plates were mailed to the owner, it would likely become the owner's responsibility to install them.