Cree LED bulb headlight conversion write-up *pics*

Just because many LED and HID conversions are crap does not mean they all are.

Yeah, but it does. The problem is at the concept level -- it's not a matter of this brand being better than that brand. It's like square wheels. Doesn't matter what name is on them or how much they cost or how pretty they are, they don't work.

How about having a passenger take a picture of your driving perspective at night on a dark back road to show how well they work.

No good. Photos of headlamps or the beam they throw are not "real world feedback" even if the photographer has the best of intent and keeps all the camera settings the same, are useless for evaluating headlamp performance. The dynamic range of a camera (film or digital, expensive or cheap, video or still) is much, much narrower than that of the human visual system.