prayers needed

She got back home last Saturday afternoon. She is doing really well. Wouldn't even know she had surgery by watching her play. Tasha is staying home with her until the bandage gets removed to make sure her incision doesn't get ripped open. She had another appointment yesterday back up in the cities to go over treatment for the,d.eXY
opsoclonus myoclonus. (eyes shake, body shakes,speech problems, cant sleep) Evidently its a very rare issue that happens with the neuroblastoma (1 in 10 million kids per year) She will be getting a I.V. treatment once a month for 6-8 hours per visit for 3 months. Steroids for three days after each I.V. treatment. If all goes as planned it will solve all the problems.

She's been a trooper. We appreciate all the thoughts and prayers.
Sam, Tasha, Ellanor, Leighton,d.eXY