Lower ball joint R&R on 71 duster

Assuming the car is secure on jackstands; First back off the T-bar adjuster bolt, about 10 turns(count them so you can reset to it later). Then solidly block the LCA up. Then back off the lower BJ nut maybe 3 turns or so,far enough to easily see the gap. Finally a couple of whacks,with a big hammer, to the casting at the point where the BJ pin enters the arm.When it lets go, the LCA drops down and closes the gap under the nut. An air-hammer works great. If youre not going to re-use the BJ then a pickle fork is the best tool to use.It destroys the rubber boot though, and sometimes damages the pin. Whatever you do, do not hit the BJ tapered pin. It rarely works,destroys the BJ and makes it impossible to secure the BJ in the event that you give up and want to drive it to the repair shop. It is, however extremely tempting. Good luck. -This job can be done without backing off the T-bar adjuster. Its just more dangerous.You have to contain all that force.I usually use a big floor-jack as it then doubles as the "solid blocking".And you have to jack it high enough to almost separate the chassis from the jackstand.Then you will have to insert a long bar under the UCA and put some lifting pressure on it while whacking or you will not get separation at the nut and will thus not know when it is released.Well if youre alert you can feel it, Be careful.