Circuit Breaker on Ammeter Bypass

That breaker may or may not be a "good idea." Electrically, theoretically, good

Over complicated..........The thing is, you don't EXPECT to "ever" blow the link in the alternator output. There exists many old Mopars, some now close to 50 years old WHICH HAVE NEVER had the original fuse link blow. Think about that.

In the case of the charge wire, the only "thing" which should blow it is a diode short in the alternator which "does not happen" to blow open before the link, or if the wire from the alternator should short.

On the breaker side, there weather exposure and HEAT. To keep the wire short, if you install this in the engine bay, it sees a LOT of HEAT. This de-rates the ampere rating of the device, might be substantially.