904 tranny cooler line fittings replacement

pulled the leaking line yesterday and removed the fitting, plugged the tranny to keep the fluid from leaking out and headed to my favorite parts places here, Tacoma Screw in Kirkland and picked up a new 1/4" x 5/16" fitting for a buck or so and even got an extra, never know when I might have to replace another one on another /6 I say.
Went home and put in the fitting with some Teflon and reformed (bent) the cooler line that caused me to cross thread and it slipped on all the way tight by finger tightening and I cinched it up with a wrench.
Fired up my Lil Thing and took of for a little ride and voila no leaking! Yeah!
Now on to getting the exhaust replaced and the interior completed and a new top but this will be next year I fear, dang it seems never ending!
Cheers to yall!