Offenhauser Dual-Port 360* Intake ~ 'Was It A Gimmick'

A Dyno Chart does exist on the Dual-Port.

Mopar Small-Block Square Bore .. #6005-DP
Mopar Small-Block Spread-Bore .. #6006-DP

Offenhauser stated that the Primary fed the Intake Runners at 3-Times
faster than normal air-speed.

And, that the Secondary air-temperature was 30* cooler, providing for a
more dense air-fuel mixture

Offenhauser added, that the Dual-Port Intake provided anywhere from
15% to 30% more Horsepower than a Stock Intake Manifold.

* Quicker throttle response
* Easier starts in cold weather
* Extended RPM range {300 to 500 RPM's} over a stock manifold
* Reduced exhaust emissions
* Improved fuel mileage