Shop Press

I've owned a horror freight 20 ton press for several yrs. and except for the junk pressing plates they send with it it's well built. A buddy of mine bought the 12 ton last year and man is it very light duty in comparison. When I first saw it I thought it was a 6 or 8 ton but it says 12. I've pressed bearings off that have been on for 40 yrs and they can be real buggers. No way would his 12 ton do the job without risking your life.

My theory in buying tools is always buy the best you can afford to buy because sometime down the line your going to need it to do something tougher than you ever expected you'd need. Plus a sturdier tool lasts longer

BTW: pressing can be dangerous. I've seen bearings explode like a grenade. For that reason I keep a piece of 3/8" plate handy to shield me from flying debris on those tough ones.