Buy American....

greed plays a part too. Gotta make those stockholder return margins. Labor is the biggest expense most companies have.

Check your facts

Labor is 10% at ford. The damn lawyers make more than the people building them

The government lets everyone import their crap here with no tariffs but they tax the hell out of our stuff

Guy running for president as independent but Clinton beat said if the nafta gets signed into law a giant sucking sound would be heard from the USA

He was right, Clinton signed it and away the jobs went

This guy might have done the country some good

We let them come here and give them tax abatements, they import their stuff, build it here and send their profits home

Have been a union member since 1976

The country is THE UNITED STATES, unions built this country, gave the American people a better way of life and everyone wants to ***** about them.

Guess when everyone is either rich or poor things will be better. But the will be more of us poor than rich

The middle class was built by unions and eroded buy politicians, who by rights are a union that vote themselves raises, benefits and perks that only crooks get at the cost of the people

I know, don't talk about politics, religion or money, well 2 out of 3 ain't bad

But don't blame the union for the mess we are in.

Over 12 years since I've had a raise cost of vehicles up 20-25% in the same time.