Slant 6 Turbo 68Dart Project

I used the white teflon, I was just showing how it fit together. I think I should use the yellow, because I believe it is leaking. Had a nice little puddle under the car when I pulled up after adding about 3 quarts. The dipstick shows next to nothing on it - which is odd. I ran it at idle for quite a while and felt under the fittings, nothing was happening.

I used a large O-ring between the hat and the carb, and you can still hear a high pitch whine. It seems like it is coming from the carb somewhere. As for float level, I pulled it off, and flipped it upside down, and set it near the screws, which is about correct. I'll have to check it again.

I knew the filter or something popped, because I just know for some reason when the car is doing something wrong. I can just feel it I guess. I also drive mine everyday so I know how it's supposed to act. The wastegate I made hard on myself because I have to go get a set of bent allens, I only have the swiss army style ones that are all in a set. It does not clear the intake manifold. There'd be plenty of room to slide a bent one under and adjust.

I'm also not sure if having two springs in the BOV is necessary, since it is hooked to boost reference. I'm guessing when there's a difference or raise in the intake pressure, it overcomes the pressure on the turbo and opens until the pressure is equalized.

The car stutters and resists moving forward from a stop. I have to baby it real slow until it gets spinning a little.

No tach hooked up yet, if I didn't have to go to work today and tomorrow, I would've put it on already. I'm sort of glad I did take it out so I can deal with all these issues one at a time. It's still got a pretty strong smell going for it. But hopefully that subsides.

My boost gauge shows absolutely nothing. I'm going to check the line, and make sure it didn't pop apart somewhere. The guage nipple is on the back of the carb hat, directly across from the intake charge pipe. Maybe there's a better spot?