Going to build a 440 - any thoughts?

"a budget guitar"
synonyms: cheap, inexpensive, economy, affordable, low-cost, low-price, cut-rate, discount, bargain, downmarket
"a budget hotel"

There will be no machine work. I will dingleball the cylinders and ream the ridges. I can port the heads lightly myself. Everything else looks good. The object is to get this on the road for as little money as humanly possible. I can build it the way I want to a few years from now after I am working again and have a full time job. This is a toy, a 2WD Ramcharger. I can pull a motor out of this in two hours or less. I just want to get it running and have a little extra oomph to it. Anything I do will be an improvement over the dog of a 318 that is in it now.