how do you do it

Careful what ya wish for there young man. I think I got a lot more accomplished on my cars when I was young, broke and full of energy then I do now having a few bucks but little spare time with long work hours and tons of adult responsibilities not to mention that with age comes less patience and lower energy levels.When I was 19 I'd work on the car on jackstands on a wet street in the cold till 2 in the morning. Now I have a two car garage and still complain to the Ol'lady I don't have enough room and we need a place where I can have a big outbuilding with more room. It also helped when I was younger that I had people around who were also into cars and could lend a hand and now it's just me by myself and that does make things a lot harder. Since you asked I'm just a machinist and always have been, I could net a 100k a year if I wanted to max out the OT but the older I get the less I want to work so I stay at around 80k.
I'm sure there's plenty on here that make a helluva lot more and plenty that make a helluva lot less. But its all relative cause the more ya make the more ya spend so were all in the same broke *** boat regardless of income. Cherish your youth more then the almighty dollar.

Yeah, I guess I wonder the same thing as you.Lol !!!