Thanks to everyone. Now that I see the pics with the bare floor I think I can probably get to it. I thought there was a hump in the floor that would keep me from getting to it from the rear. I remember removing some off another fastback, it's basically a stud with threads on both ends (I remember that much). The nut tightens from the inside while the outside part of the stud (where you put the shock) it has a shoulder (very short, like for a skinny or narrow wrench). I just didn't remember if you could get to it from the back in an assembled car. I will get into the trunk area tomorrow and see if there's a way to get through the metal upright section just below the wooden door hinge.
PS - I'll have to get my son to hold the nut (shoulder) under the car while I tighten the nut from the inside of the car.
thanks, again...the bare floor pics helped a lot!!!
