72 Dart Swinger Fuse Blowing (New to Older Cars)

Thanks 67Dart273! I've read many of your posts the last few days and you seem to be the go to expert in this area. I've read the madelectrical article and will investigate that area soon. Do you think the load from the aftermarket electrical accessories is just overheating the fuse? What is a safe size fuse to go up to without creating too much of a fire hazard?

This is a "depends" issue

"How big" is the alternator

"How much" load is on the system from lights, and say, a huge added stereo, etc

"Did these" conditions all add up in one direction at the wrong time, LOL

Additionally, there are other factors.

Let's say you parked with lights on and ran the battery down. So now the alternator is REALLY hosin out the suds

Let's say you've been idling around on a hot summer night. Hot engine bay temps DErate a fuse or breaker. This is because fuses melt to blow, and heat is what causes that, LOL