how do you do it

The number one thing I try to instill on the young guns in my life is patience! Things will come along, you just have to be patient, and recognize the opprotunity and seize it when it does come! Do what you have to do now to get by, but always look for what you really want to do! Don't settle for a job because it makes a lot of money, find something that interests you enough to want to do it! Too many people get stuck in a job they hate, and no matter how much it pays, they will always hate to go there!! There are career opportunities out there in any field, you just gotta be patient and be THE one for the job! So how do you do that???.....

It has been my observation that school is there to teach you more than just what's in the book, its secretly trying to teach you how to develop your interests through research, tenacity and preserverance! Want to be a fly fisherman?? I can stuff a rod in your hand and point you to the water and you can be a fly fisherman! However, no research has gone into what you need to catch the fish...what color fly is correct for the conditions, the hatch, the water temp, the weather, the get the point! Only patience, time and research will give you the information needed to fully understand and enjoy that hobby, and it can take a lifetime of learning! My point is, you have to be interested enough to really enjoy it for your entire life!! Don't enjoy it?? No sweat, just move on and find something you really enjoy! Eventually you will find those things in life you really put yourself into, and you will sit on the toilet for too long reading a tech article on how to rebuild a 904...for the third time!!!

Patience with your car project goes a long way also, finding the right part at the right price can take months or years, but it saves you money! Doing stuff for free to keep the ball rolling while you save up for the parts you need! I always say do the free stuff first, and pick the hardest job and tackle that first! One thing I hate in any job I do is when people do the easy stuff first and put off the hard jobs! I can't stand to stare down the biggest, hardest part of a job for the entire time I'm working! Its much easier on the mind to have the meat and potatoes behind you and be looking at the cake!!

Patience my friend, patience!! You're getting some great experience working on Dads car with him, and making great memories along the way! Don't waste that on being in a rush to get your project done!! Just turn on the AC/DC and take it one step at a time!! :-) Geof