did some welding now no start condition.

Lol, WTF would ground their welder to the transmission or their engine block??.... haaaa

When I said what I said I meant to the CHASSIS...... Lol

I have welded up more stuff than most anyone on this site has ever taken on. I have NEVER had any issues at all.....

You guys are way too funny.

Post up some of YOUR work so I can see that you actually do your own stuff. Plenty of mine is on this site for ALL to see.

YOUR original post about moving the ground from FRONT TO REAR....... Well it makes absolutely NO SENSE... and is a Joke at best.

And this post contributes what useful information to fixing the OP's problem? Used to be, if you can't help leave it alone and move on. I can remember when this sort of crap never showed it's ugly head on this site. What's happened? I'm getting a clearer picture as to why memike rarely posts anymore. And that's a crying shame...