Gas prices

They tell us (in the U.S.) that your Canadian prices are so high due to taxes, which go to pay for your 100% free health care. Nobody in the U.S. (besides illegal immigrants) gets free health care.

HealthCare isn't free,,

My wife and I are retired and pay $125.50 a mo ,,

My son's a carpenter and pays $66.50 a mo..

But no-one goes without Care if it's needed..

The downside is it takes months',, sometimes more like 2 yrs to get some "elective" (non-life threatening) (knee, hip) procedures, AND you can be "bumped" at the last minute, for more month's by a "Critical" procedure.. happened 3 times to my inlaw,,

WCB procedures done ASAP

hope it helps

PS,.. I hear you folks (US) can deduct your mortgage interest off your income tax,, that true ??