Am I the only one?

new old school

You get me! Anyone can restore a car. Order parts from a catalogue. It's more fun trying to capture that look and feeling of back in the day. Remember cruising and street racing? Nowdays kids think racing is on the freeway starting at 60 mph and flooring it. I have always loved redline tires and cheater slicks. I love the paint on the first hot wheels. It's almost translucent like. If I restored my '69 Cuda then it would look boring. I want it to spark memories of drag racing in the late 60's and early 70's. I want someone who owned one to be like "Yea, I dated my girlfriend in a car just like that!" Old stuff always looks cooler than new stuff. Check that scoop on the blower in the earlier post. Notice how "mad max" it is?! A new scoop looks all billet like and lacks soul. In Texas we have The Lonestar Roundup where only traditional style cars are allowed. No billet queens. Guess what! I think it's the biggest show in the nation now. Unfortunately, it's supposed to be only 1963 and back cars. I would love to see a street machine revival for muscle cars and for hot rods. Maybe I'll start one here!