Disc Brakes on Early A's - What solution did you choose and why?

I did my front end on my 10" drum 65 about 10 years ago and put next to no miles on since then when I got a 67 brake setup minus LCA's. The disc LCA is a 9/16 bolt while the drum is a 1/2 so I just drilled out the bolt hole and changed M/C's to a 67 drum/disc and used a combo valve off a RWD Mopar. Fittings into combo valve were different but a few $1 adapters worked fine. Everything bolted in like OEM. Im stuck with a 5 on 4 pattern all around but 14's are still out there (every mini truck used them in the 80's) and Centerline makes 15's on 4 with more boutique wheel vendors making the 5 on 4 option available. I would not do it any other way but to use 100% 67+ parts next time. Its a great 4 piston caliper with parts still on the shelf.