Hawk brake pads - worth it?

Well, I have used them but, not on a drag car...on a rally car. If you want more 'bite', look at the CoF... coefficient of friction. The higher, the more 'bite'. You are actually looking for more 'stiction' (non-moving CoF); they are usually related but not identical. It might be worth looking at the CoF for your current pads versus the Hawks. There is more than one grade of Hawks (Red, Blue,....) so you may have to look at several sets of numbers.

I ended up using Porterfields for the variety of CoF's available, and used that to balance the F/R proportioning. That was for non-Mopar use, so you would have to check them to see if they have them for your car, but that may be another source to try. Porterfields have had the reputaion of not tearing up the rotors as readily as the Hawks, but that may not be a factor for your use.

In your case, I would have to wonder what diameter of rotor you have front and rear? The force and diameter have to work against the axle torque; the smaller the diameter, the less holding torque.

And just curious as to how much HP/torque on the motor.....