Need help pricing hood

The biggest problem selling something as large as a hood is the cost of shipping. Unless your price is extremely low (or the item is extremely rare) the only people likely to be interested are going to be local.

There are generally 2 types of people shopping for these parts. The first is adamant about buying o.e.m. parts and they have no problem having to strip off the old paint and take care of small flaws. The second type are the ones that take into consideration the full cost of reconditioning those used parts versus the cost of reproduction pieces.

Quick sales usually mean low prices. If the hoods are not difficult to find the price may have to be still lower. A lot of o.e.m. parts sell for outrageous prices. - Especially if those parts are not being reproduced. I've sometimes scoffed at prices that I've seen guys ask for their parts only to see that they will actually get the prices they are asking.

The only advice I can give is to show a few examples of the reproduction parts you are selling and the prices associated with them. From that maybe you can figure (based on demand) what you think you can realistically expect to get for yours. (a.e 50% to 200% of repop prices)

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