posting pictures,school me a little

Unfortunately not that simple. The pictures themselves can't be too high of a resolution. If you have Windows 7, you can right click on the picture itself to resize, then save as something else in that same folder, that way you don't lose the originals.

Look for IMAGE RESIZER for Windows XP
It's from Microsoft itself so it's legit. Same one I used for entire folders. Works great! Just do a SAVE AS so you don't alter your originals.

If you have Windows 7 you open the picture itself then chose the 'resize' option that is at the top. One at a time, or maybe control/enter for more than one? but it works great also. What I use now since I have Windows 7. And trust me, I was a caveman as far as computers less than 10 years ago, so if I can do it, anyone else can.