Double rocker oiling- a problem?

I'm not planning to change anything unless I have low pressure but I don't know if I would know if there was too much oil up top.
My 2 cts worth: You have so much volume in the system to work with/available and you are feeding ~twice the normal amount up top which is more than what is needed & even worse is a more critical system down below may be deprived (bearings). Not sure if on a shaft system the rocker/shaft interface will be properly oiled with pushrod oiling (say if you blocked oil up to the shaft) but what I would do is internally plug the pushrods with JB weld!. Then up top the shafts would be oiled like a normal shaft system is and you have your EDM lifters down below helping the lobes' oiling & no unneccessary volume being splurged on the valvetrain via the pushrods. Yes the extra would cool the springs but I dont think you would notice a big difference in spring life expectancy (I might be wrong there) but even so it is far more critical is to have the volume down at the bearings where it is critically needed