Rides Complete Auto care. Run away!

I have a shop here that I take my stuff to, but one day they kind of pissed me off. Took it in for a flat repair because they didn't bother checking or replacing the valve stems when I got new tires and one was leaking.
A day later I noticed it was pretty low so I checked the stems with soapy water, and sure enough that tire's stem was leaking so I took it back. I walked over to a close by store to get a soda and when I came back they had the right rear tire jacked a foot in the air, and my left front tire had disappeared up into the fender. I told them to please NEVER jack up one rear corner of a torsion bar suspended car and they looked at me like they had no idea what I was talking about.
When they put the car back down I showed them how it was lower on the drivers side from the over torque of the torsion bar on that side. I also told them that I was now going to have to reset the tension on that bar, and re check my toe. I won't let ANYONE touch the alignment because I do it myself, and after that I only take the wheels and tires to the shop instead of the whole car. Over protective? maybe, but I have seen shops mess things up so bad it scares me to even think about anyone doing anything on it unsupervised. It also seems to be getting worse as time goes on.
People that have a job are supposed to know how to DO the job, and it seems this is getting rare these days.