Engine not reaching operating temperature

what good is the gauge then?that isnt very accurate.ive never had a /6 swinger,my dusters ive owned have had pretty good gauges.i would check stat and sender.and see just how close the gauge really is

Never said the gauge was "accurate" just reported what I have noticed over 40 some odd years of driving Mopars from A to C with engines from RG to Hemi. Had a '71 Sport Suburban with a 360 that ran roughly 1/8" past the end of the cold range and considered that running hot. As far as "what good is the gauge" goes? Just what exactly do you expect it to reveal? I always knew when the engine had reached normal operating temperature and on the rare occasions when a problem developed I had plenty of time to shut it down and prevent serious damage. What more do you want from a gauge???