SS/B Barracuda project

Here is a visual of a collection of the cable driven tachometers, rev limiters
and dual drive splitters that were used back in 69 SS/B and SS/BA by the best
like Landy, Sox & Martin ect....
Some of these items can be difficult to find today.
The distributors arn't as hard to find and are not generally
wanted for most Hemi builds today. MSD stuff is more valuable
to most builders. The original distributors are heavy cast iron but
of very good quality and precise. I feel they remain precise or last
longer than the lightweight MSDs of today. Multi spark can help to
smooth a race engine at low rpms but has no advantage over a
properly set up vintage prestolite ignition at racing rpms. The transistorized
Ignitions have a very good spark when fed the correct voltage and
used with the proper coil. I guess what I am saying is they have no trouble
lighting a high compression race Hemi and there is no need to run a hidden msd

Thanks ssba, very good info there.
I have manage to find a rev limiter, and a dual drive splitter. Cables and tachometer should be easier to find, so I am well on my way here I think. I have had second thoughts about using the ignition system used on these car, but just made up my mind... :)