Very long story; I'll be messed up for a while, but lucky to be alive

Not the one I heard about. The one I heard about came from an American Legion in Harrison and somebody was killed in that one.
Glad you're still on this side of the grass. Some of those roads out there by Serpent Mound can be twisty and curvy!
Just do what the doc's tell ya and get better. Glad the called Air Care and you didn't end up in Adams Co. Hospital. Their doc is probably out on farm calls.

The one that your talking about was a real bad wreck from what I understand, a hand of bikes involved with a few serious injuries and one death.

It's been a real rough year for bikes around the tri state. I understand how some people love them and go back to them even after a bad accident, some people have a true passion for them. After seeing things go wrong though I can say without a doubt that I will never be seen riding a bike again.

Best of luck to you. If you decide to get back on a bike good luck.