The 70 Duster......

A lot of people have asked me how the Atomic EFI system is working. It is starting to "learn" and you can tell the car is running better each time you get it out. We have had it out 3 times now. If it is cool outside and you have not been in it long. One blip of the throttle will break the tires loose. And it does not take much to do it!!! After driving it around a bit if you mash the throttle it will stumble a bit but runs down the road smooth as you could want!! The cooler the weather and the car, the better the throttle response. I noticed tonight that even after driving around town and sitting in traffic a little, the car had better throttle response than it had in the past under those conditions.

We took it to dinner tonight and had a good laugh after we got seated at the table. My wife said "it looks like it did when you and your dad first saw it".