New one on me, funny 'n weird

Dear was a young Doe that came into town for hand outs. Grandpa was later shot while arresting a guy that was wanted back east. He was shot through the groin ,fell on top the guy and split his head open with His sap . The Doc stitched them both up on the side walk. Half inch the wrong way and I probably wouldn't be telling this story.

Here's my "Priest River" story. In the last year of high school, and the two years before I joined the Navy, I was a "dispatcher" for the Sandpoint PD. I worked graveyard. One afternoon -- evening, a buddy and I were just wasting time. We had driven up to PR for no good reason, don't remember. We were in town on a dark, cold, rainy fall night, probably about this time of year, would have been fall of 66 or 67. So, about 8PM in PR. You came steep down hill off the highway into "downtown." There was a stop sign there, and a cafe diagonally across the street.

The thing is, I'd just bought this car from a kid from S Dakota, and had not yet got the title. It still had the SD plate. We stopped at the stop sign for probably nearly 1/2 minute eyeballing the cafe, trying to decide if they were closing, or still open. Hard to say. We finally drove through and parked, and were walking towards the cafe

Here comes the town cop. He says to me like this:

"Say, I see you boys are outta town. You ran that stop sign over there, but if you jus' get right back in your car and keep going, I'll let it go."

I used to be rather quiet and non agressive as a kid, but something popped. I looked him right in the eye and got up right in his face

"I'll have you know we stopped for a length of time at that sign. Further, I was born and raised in Sandpoint, and my boss is the Chief of Police. In fact, I'm due at work later tonight. We are gonna go have coffee, and when we are done, we'll leave."

With that I turned on my heel and walked off. My buddy could not believe it. For all I know LMAO that cop is still standin' right there.