New one on me, funny 'n weird

I know Dad probably had seen these especially the ranger station. He logged in and around Priest Lake , worked in the pole yards for Diamond Match co. and later CCC camp during the war. I loved His stories.

Hard to say, my Dad and Gramps could have crossed your Dad's path. Both of them worked with the CCC for awhile. Both worked at Farragut, Dad before he went off to war. I don't know just when Gramps became a USFS employee. Someplace, one of my aging Aunt's has a list of towers and mountain tops on which he worked

Dad and Gramps both built one of the towers on Roman Nose, which was finally took down by either vandalls or weather.

Gramps built TWO towers on Gisborne (used to be Looking Glass) I was 12? or so when we went up to see the new tower, nearly complete.

This website says the "new" tower was built in 58 so I'd have been about 10 when I was there

The old tower was still up and in use some distance away. Many of the towers he built / repaired /rebuilt are long gone. Used to be a cabin and visual aircraft beacon on Mt Coeur d Alene, and he did some work up there, I think rebuilding / repair on the cabin. Then, it had a "day" tower and a ground cabin below. You could see the beacon for miles going back to Sandpoint at night.

This website has a lot of stuff on the tower sites up here