What heck is wrong with people!?!?

A new guy started where I work and is employed through a work temp agency and if he works out we can hire him. Nice guy, very hard worker and always has a positive attitude and very appreciative for the oppturnity to work with us. This guy rides a mountain bike to work and is his primary transportation, not sure why he has no car, might be a DWI...none of my business. He missed work the other day, guess he got up early to go to work and found that his bike has been stolen! It's early in the morning and it's dark so he grabs a flashlight and walks his neighborhood looking for any sight of it....somebody sees him and thinks he is up to "no good" and calls the cops on him so they show up and question him, he then tells them what happened and cops tell him to look for it when it gets light out. This guys bike is his main transportation and livelihood.....now he has to take the bus. Why the hell does somebody have to steal.....pisses me off and when it does it seems like it happens to people who can't get a break. I was talking to this guy while giving him a ride home from work one day because somebody hit him with their car while he was riding (didn't get hurt but damaged his bike) but he went on to tell me how he does a lot of fishing, then goes on to tell me his storage locker was recently broke into and his fishing gear was stolen. Guy can't catch a break but even through all this, remains positive....he's upset, but positive. I really hope my boss hires him cause he is a great guy and a hard worker, Really hope things get better soon for him.

Just pisses me off when I hear stuff like this happen to good people....thanks for letting me rant and vent.....